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We've reversed aging in mice. Next step: humans?

Welcome, humans. This is Ambrosia Path, the free daily newsletter that gets you smarter about longevity in 5 minutes 🤝

Longevity headlines

  • Can travelling to a Blue Zone help you live longer? Find out here 🌊

  • Diets rich in Flavonol were found to be linked to lower mortality rates and enhanced longevity 💚

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  • This study shows that IgG is an aging factor that drives adipose tissue fibrosis and metabolic decline 👴

  • A new study has found that mechanical damage to the cell membrane causes cell aging 🧬

MAJOR NEWS: A groundbreaking experiment has reversed age in mice 🐁

Last week, Rejuvenate Bio successfully extended the lifespan of old mice.

What’s going on?

A new research study was posted in the Cellular Reprogramming journal.

The study took aged mice (comparable to 80+ year-old human beings) then using a technique called partial reprogramming they doubled the remaining lifespan the mice had left while simultaneously reversing age-related changes.

This means not only did they increase lifespan but they also potentially reversed aging of mice.

You can see this in the fancy chart below.

  • The blue line shows the ages of death of mice which had the treatment

  • The black & grey line show mice without the treatment

  • The blue line being further to the right than the black line shows the treatment extended the age of mice

Why should I care?

Mice are used in experiments because genetically they are similar to humans.

The study shows we can potentially reverse aging and get old mice to live longer.

This could be a Holy Grail proof of concept for ultimately developing treatments that reverse age and increase lifespan in humans.

If you’re interested in a further breakdown of this study, check out PhD Alex Colville’s post.

Longevity Meme of the Day

That’s it for longevity news today folks! Have a fantastic day!

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Disclaimer: This information does not constitute health advice or a recommendation and should not be considered as such